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The next advice I would give is commitment. Commitment, because it’s one thing to find your purpose, let’s say, or find something that you want…
Even though there is no sense of familiarity and no experience from the soul, it’s designed to be your greatest expression of power in this…
My advice is to start somewhere. You definitely have to start. You have to look for it. You have to have that receptivity. Once you…
My greatest challenge in following my purpose, I would say, was the fact that it was my purpose. It’s your purpose but also your greatest…
The moment I opened myself up to the idea that astrology was my purpose, and I had that feeling, it wasn’t just excitement and surprise,…
My final advice is that your purpose is always developing. Don’t get discouraged. I feel like a lot of people get frustrated because when they…
I ask this question, why do you think people resist? I think it’s because they don’t know. It’s the things they don’t know that frighten…
Maybe this is the most important part of what I’m sharing is – we want to do what feels good right from the time we…
There’s no such thing as a separated self. I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole here. But the notion that I am this…
There’s a small voice that has guided me my whole life, and that’s really been crucial all along. In those moments there in Silicon Valley…