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I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening. I believe the energy from the Kundalini caused me to levitate while I was lying on the bed. I…
When you are first starting it helps to keep the radios on all the time.
It helped me to remember than mindfulness is about acceptance.
So I have a story about moving out of my comfort zone and finding flow. One Sunday the leader, the facilitator of the meditation, said…
Some advice I can recommend is to always follow your heart however you’re able to. For context, I gave up my job, I gave up…
We’re not going to just find our purpose and stay there because life changes and we’re not linear. So we’re going to keep evolving the…
Getting out of my head is a great way to bend the spoons. Otherwise, we tend to overthink the outcome.
It all started for me with a meditation practice led by Zenka, which involved using the white light method. This technique uses your mind to…