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I’m someone who’s able to let go of circumstances while being in the moment, so when Zenka Caro first introduced me to spoon bending and…
While in Adrien Fisher’s channeling course through LightNet I had many contact experiences with non living beings. The interactions were friendly, telepathic, and informative. I…
Attending a Spoon Bending party creates the setting for success.
During contact 100, an event hosted by LightNet and Altair, we were instructed, while in meditation to expand our awareness outside of our body. feeling…
ZaZar and Marilyn Gewacke never cease to amaze me with their CE-5 events. The one I’m refrencing in particular was my first ever event with…
Voice and then dream into something. Maybe it’s sound. Maybe it’s just signing up for a sound bath. If sound speaks to you, I think…