This guidebook assists you to learn about and explore Dreamosophy – literally, the wisdom
of dreaming. Wisdom differs from information and knowledge in that wisdom is based in and
emerges from experience and tradition. Although many have tried to define wisdom, it is more
important that you learn to experience and discern – to learn to notice, identify, and experience
confluences among information, knowledge, and wisdom. In Dreamosophy you are invited to
view and interact with dreams and dreaming differently from other traditions. You are invited
to EXPERIENCE the wisdom of dreaming. Through Dreamosophy, you will find confluences
between dreaming and waking that can help you make the changes you long for, to have your
life become a worthwhile dream come true, grounded in information, knowledge, and wisdom.
In this guidebook, you’ll learn many valuable ideas to take steps toward a deeper, more effective,
and more satisfying dream life. Through Dreamosophy, you can discover and co-create your own,
inner wisdom – the Wisdom of Dreaming!