Start Somewhere

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Start Somewhere

I found my passion, it may not be immediately obvious yet we might start down the road and we might not see where it’s taking us.

Because I started in retreats. That’s not my purpose or my passion. I’m good at it and it’s part of my repertoire. But the nugget was in facilitating meditation and mindfulness. The nugget was creating a space to use my gifts as an empath, as someone who works with energy to hold sacred space and work with the energy in this space, my passion for podcasting that I had for ten years came out of that.

So we start where we are. I’m still storytelling even now. I’m storytelling right here. So those are things that you can tap into, play around with, see how it feels, try it on. Just taking that first step might open the door to point you in a different direction. Point you in the right direction just by being aware of what it is that fills you with joy, peace, and has you in the zone more often than not.

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