Speak Your Truth

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This is why we talk about speak your truth. What is your truth? And a lot of people don’t have that truth. They and this is why they lack the confidence, because they have questions about what they’ve been told, but they’re not sure what they think. Well, I’ve been bold enough to go down the tunnel of of questioning it or realizing maybe a different way.

So they lack the confidence. And so I begin to be the student and I begin to look at the world as an opportunity to learn and from nutrition, from everything that I have a desire to do, whether it be relationships, I begin to put formulas together to realize and search out masters who who have presented themselves as such and and be the student and learn from them and learn from my own mistakes and put it together and I’ve seen myself grow tremendously.

And again, I still make mistakes, but I feel myself still progressing in a way that I feel. I would have never progressed to such.

I feel it takes some real question and answering. And you have to be unapologetically with your answers. You cannot make excuses. You can’t run away from the hard questions you must ask yourself.

And when you speak the truth to yourself, then it begins to present the path that you must take.

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