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Spend more time by yourself to figure out what really drives you. Are you really driven to do that? Deep inside it feels like freedom.…
And you might feel it at the strangest times. And when you do, you think, okay, well, I can’t run a flower store. This this…
Very easy to read handbook for CE-5 Contact. From website: Have you ever wanted to see a UFO? It’s simple. This book will get you…
A little information about Kelli Clair and her amazing gifts.
Discover Dr. Steven Greer’s pioneering work on ET intelligence, CE-5 protocols, and consciousness expansion. Step into the unknown today.
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a holistic healing modality that combines various spiritual, metaphysical, and hypnosis techniques.
When choosing utensils to bend. It is a good idea to ask them separately if it will bend for me today. Choose the one that…
While in Adrien Fisher’s channeling course through LightNet I had many contact experiences with non living beings. The interactions were friendly, telepathic, and informative. I…