When you are in that general flow state, you do attract people into your life that are soul friendships, soul partners, business partners, right? You get to work with wonderful people. The other side of this, which is the shadow side and it is still beautiful, is as you move more into purpose and alignment, things that are not in alignment will fall off of out of your life.
Right? Like, so you’ll you might lose friends. You might I call them college moments, right. Carly the Hindu goddess who she’s the great destroyer. You might have a couple a year or two. If we look to astrology, it’s called the Saturn Return. These deep periods of time where anything inauthentic gets stripped away. That is a part of the journey towards purpose is the inauthentic, the the things that no longer resonate.
They will fall away. That is beautiful when that happens. It is painful, but it is beautiful. And I think for those who this might resonate with or at the beginning of that journey, it’s important to remember it doesn’t stay like that forever. It gets better. And there will be a time when you look back on the great shedding with so much joy and gratitude, so much more, I can say.