Contact 100 Meditation – Mantis Encounter

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During contact 100, an event hosted by LightNet and Altair, we were instructed, while in meditation to expand our awareness outside of our body. feeling around with our awareness and then stretching it in all directions and up over the planet, and then deep into space. From that point we were guided to just go wherever you felt like you needed to. And thats when my consciousness ended up taking me to where the mantis beings live.

This extraterrestrial race is an ancient civilization of very highly ascended and intellectual, creative beings. They specialize mostly in helping other baby races ascend. Lots of people have reported contact with these beings.

Anyways during my encounter, I asked them about their art and culture, and attempt to express my gratitude to them. But while I was doing this, I had flashes in my head of all of this blood and gore. At first I assumed this was my impulsive mind trying to play tricks on me. But then the mantis beings informed me that this is their perception of me, because they see in thermal vision. So all the blood I was seeing was the veins in my body. They’re able to perceive emotion by the frequency that you radiate. Which I thought was the most fascinating thing ever.

And I just thought it was the coolest cultural exchange I’ve ever had. They also told me about their art, and how they paint with frequency into 3-D spaces. Using different tones and clicks and hums to shape and change the color of this material. I honestly wish I could’ve stayed in that conversation for hours. I can’t wait to have more contact with these majestic beings.

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