If life calls you away from stability when you’re following your passion and that can be scary. I think that it’s super scary to have the courage and to always follow it. There were a couple of times where I was making really decent money, great benefits and things like that, but it no longer felt like the right thing to do.
So even when I was going to quit to go to cooking school, I had just been promoted. And I had to be self aware enough to think, this isn’t part of what I really want to do or didn’t feel like it was really calling to me as I was moving up the ranks. And you have to be willing to see that, willing to see past the monetary gain.
So I think the biggest challenges have been just knowing when you have to trust your gut. And even when I left Williams-Sonoma, people thought I was crazy because I had just been promoted to VP. I had all the amazing benefits. And here I’ve got two young children to support and with everything that comes with that. But I was like, “I can’t be all things to all people and I’m going to figure this out.”
It’s so crazy that like, the universe kind of shows up for you if you believe enough in yourself. And I think that’s the thing. I’ve never had a big ego around what I do, but I do believe we all show up as ourselves. And no one is like me. No one is like you. No one can do it exactly like I do.