I had a serious contact experience, true magic by all accounts I can think to compare it to. I live on a vortex in Sedona so it’s not uncommon for apports to happen. And I’ve watched as my friends Zenka and Adam notice apports happening for them. I never try and let doubt get in the way but it does try to take hold and invalidate experiences I hear of, sometimes despite my best efforts.
But when I finally experienced an apport of my own, there was no denying the truth of it. I remember it being sometime, maybe December. Everyone was getting sick in the house, and Adam instructed me to wear a Source Seed (TM) [Source Seeds are a conscious living technology, a small black bead, just the size of a pea, that emits Bio photons and instructs other objects on how to also admit life promoting bio photons] So, I placed this pea sized Seed into my bra (Which has an inner compartment so I knew it wouldn’t get lost) along with a piece of high grade Citrine, otherwise called the merchants stone which helps a great deal with manifesting wealth and abundance (I was going for an abundance of health). Anyways, it came to the end of the day, and I was changing, getting ready for bed when I realized both small objects where missing. I looked everywhere and backtracked my steps through the house but I knew it was kind of a lost cause. I must’ve dropped them some time during the day and didn’t notice. Oh well.Â
I kind of shrugged it off and let it go thinking back on a Abraham Hicks mantra I’d heard and had been playing around with that week. “I really liked that Citrine, Wouldn’t that be nice if they just appeared?” With no instance on to where or what, but a hopefulness that I might come across them again. And went to sleep.
Some time around 3am I woke up. I noticed my hand was curled into a fist under my heart. So I turned over and unclenched my hand and – low and behold, both my crystal and my tiny bead where sitting in the palm of my hand. As I was not very conscious at that moment, I didn’t think much of it but a satisfied hum of approval that they’d been found, put them on my bedside table and drifted off again. But when I woke, I was truly astounded as to how something so magical as this really happened. But it did. And I’m so happy!