Activate Your Super-Human Potential

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Explores how to prepare the mind and body for 5D, create a unified Heart Field, manifest with the Merkaba, protect yourself from psychic attacks, reprogram yourself for abundance

• Provides a Star Magic Qi Gong sequence to clear, connect, and energize the body, allowing it to recalibrate and self-heal

• Explains how to activate the pineal gland through the Merkaba Matrix, uniting star frequencies from Sirius with Earth’s energy from the planetary grids, which leads to activation of your 5D Light Body

Would you like to wake up every day with joy as your natural default state, bouncing around Earth loving every moment? In Activate Your Super-Human Potential, Jerry Sargeant presents a specific set of protocols that enable you to step fully into your power, kickstarting a new way of operating in this human reality. Combining qigong, breathwork, meditation, exercise, pineal gland activation techniques, nutrition, mindset, healing, light codes, high-frequency energies, and more, Jerry has blended a unique recipe that offers you the opportunity to create a life of sovereignty and freedom.

In addition to raising our vibration, for one to truly ascend we must activate our DNA, our original 12-strand template, and be able to run enough frequency through our body that we can move through the Planetary and Galactic Star Gate systems. This is real ascension. In this guide you find the tools to realign your inner geometry, upgrade your levels of consciousness, and prepare your body to hold the necessary frequency. You will activate courage and confidence, connect to Source, and feel love in your heart always, generating waves of enthusiasm that flow from every cell in your body, catalyzing your own radical uniqueness with new codes never seen before, merging the divine feminine and divine masculine energies into wholeness. Every moment on this planet is a gift and by using this Super-Human toolkit, you will seize every moment, feeling happy, living in wonder, using the manifestation tools to create a life of abundance and establish new ways of unifying our human family here on Earth. You are about to embark on a life-changing journey. Are you ready?

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