This was one of the strangest experiences I ever had related to dreams. I was walking with Elena in the forest in the daytime. All of a sudden, I remembered my dream from the night before. But it actually wasn’t remembering, it was as if I was remembering, but the actual event was a complete thought transference. As if the NHI crafted the memory and dream experience, then sent it to me. It had a full richness to the communication. They basically said that contact works through imagination because it happens outside of time. That we need to actually imagine and dream what it’ll be like first because we will literally be invited to facilitate the contact we imagine when we are in the future and going back in time to facilitate contact, so we need patterns that make sense to us. I made a dream incubation meditation about this. The memory/dream involved me making contact through relating to 4 other parallel realities, each tending towards an elemental expression. Each reality holds a version of me that relates to a primary contact ET/NHI. As we approach greater contact, I tune into these different frequencies.
Gift of Dreamscape
Tags and Categories
- Method Channeling, Dreams
- Appearance Humanoid Being(s)
- Appearance Tall Greys/Whites