Dream series instructing me on geometry

On the Winter solstice, dream guides came to me in my dreams. They said, “you are seeking knowledge and seeking to apply that knowledge for the benefit of the world. You need to know that we shape the world and its reality, you are invited to work with us directly because that is simply the most effective way.” I had thought that they meant to do more dreamwork or Enochian magical practice, but later that day I stumbled across a sacred geometry video, then became inspired to learn ruler-and-compass geometry.

The next night, the same beings came back and said, “thank you for following our instructions in a direct and simple way. while you do have a history of being inspired by our instructions, you often embellish or miss the essential point, which is acceptable in its time. You have followed our instructions directly, please continue to follow our instructions as you have.”

They proceeded to present dreams of geometry, which I would attempt to draw using ruler-and-compass geometry. When the constructions became complex like crop-circles, they instructed me to draw crop-circles. After that, I drew the Red Grid Mark. After that, they told me I was ready to draw the anomalous body mark I received last Summer Solstice.

I discovered a clear geometric construction in the mark, which is similar to the crop circle and RGMP geometry. I found a dozen other similar marks from about the same time on the internet. I am finding similar geometry in the pulsation of UAP lights and other anomalous sources.

I report my initial findings on a Youtube playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc1xaLwy4Qv5unOPOuEubZXDTqdjgwuut

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