contact with non-humanoid star person through interdimensional travel via 3 techniques.

i used CE-5 protocols at home and two ham radios while channeling Light Language with the intent of making star people or NHI contact. i perceived to make contact with non-humanoid star people via a morphogenic field. this can be defined as combining my unique electromagnetic field with each of the star people and their unique electromagnetic fields. my best explanation of an electromagnetic field from star people was it is a measurement a beings’ unique harmonics or frequencies. for example, in reincarnation this electromagnetic field carries between different liftetimes. star people explained to me they have technologies that have access to every one of our memories in every lifetime and this is ever so slightly different than Akashic records according to (speaking generally) star people cultural norms and values.
Light Language was both received and communicated telepathically. cognitively, i can receive Light Language at once and interpret it in English. there were a plentiful amount of messages for peacekeeping.
i was given the importance of over 200 craft flying in april 2023 in a potential future timeline for peacekeeping. i perceived star beings hope to raise humanities’ collective frequencies around the globe if humans are inclined to do so. my understanding is that our actions as humanity impact a planet and its star people when they are 1.3 million lightyears away according to various star people cultural norms and values. my favorite part of contact with star people is understanding their cultural norms and values. one star person told me they believe in 9 atmospheres on their planet or dimension they call home. they shared i have a unique gift to combine those 9 atmospheres at once and this is quite rare.
later in time (a matter of days) several of my human Light Language clients and friends echoed this april 2023 message to me. i was moved that so many people took the time and effort to call me on the phone or ping me. my human Light Language clients and friends received guidance to tell me they were told telepathically via star people that over 200 craft would be arriving april 2023 in different geo-locations around our globe at once. not sure if this is a literal interpretation or not. however, it is perceived by me, as more of an abstract form of communication as opposed to a concrete interpretation. it could unfold to have a deeper meaning for a term i use in Light Language called “infinite entendre.” a poetic interpretation might be there are roughly 200 earth nations that have colonized other planets in future potential timelines. what if those 200 craft were visiting this timeline on earth in 2023 to collaborate in peacekeeping around earth for something yet to be revealed?
many things could juxtapose in different potential future timelines. from my personal experience star people have the benefit of living outside of earth humanities’ version of time and space and cultural norms. i have learned to not take star people messages too literally over my vast experiences with over 200 star nation civilizations. Light Language is interpreted as various individual messages to and from many beings outside of time. Light Language is multi-layered and could have an infinite number of interpretations. i do not “literally” believe there will be over 200 craft in various cities in april 2023 on earth in one distinct timeline as i write this in february 2023. however, i am intrigued by the number of humans echoing a similar message and curious to see what may or may not prevail. my truest heart senses many people in the global ce-5 communities are here for connecting into a consciousness field exemplifying “We are all One.” i perceive star people are collaborating in an egalitarian based spirit in maximizing on certain UFO community members’ unique strengths.
i have found star people operate in conjunction with the highest integrity of the highest self of each human. this is a generalization, however, many star people i work with have cultural norms that respect an individual’s free thought and expression while collaborating inter-dependently. i have received the message by star people that human’s belief systems are not that important to them which was a shock to me as a human. however, star people explained to me: as long as an individual person is operating on their own unique integrity this is widely respected. i believe this is because star people live in yogic states of higher elevated levels of consciousness. we humans can do this with training if so desired.
my sacred exchanges with star people, in turn, have elevated my inter-personal human relationships. this is reflected by me accepting those closest to me for their unique operating integrities slowly over time. i have become less dualistic in nature as a result of star people contact and this has been life changing. they have given me countless healings to remove many layers of fear in my light body.
going back to CE-5 contact; while experiencing this contact with star people my Ham Radios made a type of rhythm that created an inner-connected beat with outside noises such as birds chirping, harmonics of a handful of car engines revving; even our roomba vaccum had interaction via light and sounds such as stacatto clicks showcasing harmonics increasing and decreasing in volume and intensity.
it’s important to notate the sounds of our densely populated urban suburban neighborhood of redondo beach, ca, usa (city of angels) combined in a sing song rhythm along with the honking of cars and doors closing. it was a beautiful experience and i understood the star people i have channeled since 2020 were edifying me on how unified resonance or quantum entanglement works in creating our inner-connectedness to all creatures down to the consciousness in a particle of sand. it was explained to me telepathically this connection is always here for us to tap into in our own unique way. they have taught me quantum physics in an overly simplified version. basically, they met me where i am at with my understanding of my world.
this interactive connection felt as if we were in and out of time and space. if i had to guess in linear time it was a good solid hour of maintaining this beautiful rhythm. i was amazed and kept a smile on my face and it felt like i was part of a band with star people, creatures in my neighborhood. even our family’s siamese cat kitty pie purred for the duration of this experience and wouldn’t leave her position on my belly. we were all connecting with these natural harmonics. star people telepathically explained they live in this morphogenic field and combine their consciousness with their environments. i found it interesting the clicking noises reflected by star people and myself interacting with energy fields in our home maintained a rhythm down to our water cooler and television exchanging clicks and hums. an interesting notation is: i found the harsh harmonics of an ambulance passing by was aggressive in nature and volume and the harmonics felt like a violation within my light being. i reflected on the well meaning intention of an ambulance siren having an unintended consequences of disruption in peacefulness for animals such as dogs with advanced hearing. sometimes certain harmonics were discordant for lack of a better term.
i sense star people were showcasing how they interact with different types of energy fields. it was quite a fun and positive experience. in the ethers i was given an image of a non-humanoid star person named sansei (with many light beings inside) with red speckled face and a viscous outer body with a small nose and no ears and deer-like black eyes. sansei has been edifying me as would a human yogi since october 2020 in various healing modalities and soul technologies. sansei has explained to me star people can recycle (for lack of a better word) the DNA from my smartphone into a snake with their soul technologies. my understanding of the message is: our birthright is the delivery of these soul technologies as we are infinite beings in any timeline or dimension or atmosphere. we all exist in many dimensions outside of time and space with our i-there family. we can enjoy peace on earth as our birthright if that is what we desire.

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