Brief Telepathic experience

I took Altair’s astrology for awakening class. He had us shoot far out into space to our star family. He said to tell them that we are coming. it was my intention to go to Arcturus. So, I told them who I am and that I was coming. Maybe a minute or so later a deep voice said “You cannot stay.” I was stunned. I had thought we would just be talking about astrological charts that night in class. So, I wasn’t prepared with questions and I really had no idea what to say. So I asked what am I supposed to do? I meant what am I supposed to do on Earth and the deep voice said “Just be” At this point I had tears starting to run down my face and Altair said to come back down. So I did, I don’t feel like I left my body, but I can’t be sure. that was that was probably around 8 in the evening on February 21st. so I went to bed that night and I woke up about 3 AM and I started thinking about it. So, I called them up and spoke with them again because I really wanted to go home. I asked if this is a punishment and if I did something wrong. They said this is not a punishment and it was my turn to be here. they said they are all around me and they have sent help for me and I am not alone They have not left me. So, I went outside and sat looking at the few stars I could see. And that was the end of that experience.

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A week or so later I contacted another being that I talk to when I need help. I asked about this incident. He said that who I met was a guardian and was just doing his job.

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