I went out around dusk – the stars were not out as of Yet. I did some different breathing technics – Breathing in a saying “I am love”. Then I did the closing of one nostril and then the other nostril – I don’t know how many times I just did it until it felt right. I then took in deep breaths into my belly and out through the dome of my head – always saying “I am Love”. I then went back to my breathing in through my nose and saying “I am love” while tracing the lines of my pyramid with my index finger – one at a time. I then touched my index finger to my thumb on both hands – while breathing – they both started pulsating in time with each other. I got a real happy feeling and started smiling. I asked my star family if they could show me something so I know they are with me – that was when it happen. I saw a ship – very faint – but I saw it! going from Northwest to southeast, only for about 8 to 9 seconds. This happened about 45 minutes from when I started everything – it was 8ish pm here on the west coast. Did not have time to take a pic but I probably wouldn’t have taken the time to do this anyway – it was too awesome of a sight to see for me – my first visual encounter that I actually saw with my own eyes!!!
Asked for a contact and received one.
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- Method Meditation, Telepathy, Ω Other
- Appearance UFO/UAP Craft(s)