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Website of out of body experiencer and guide Darius J. Wright.
Surprise vist and activation with a male angelic being
Art, Astral Travel, Automatic Writing, CE-5 / Star Watch, Channeling, Clairvoyance, Cosmic Consciousness, Crop Circles, Dreams, Ham Radio Technique, Hypnosis, Light Language, Meditation, Mediumship, Near Death Experience, OBE (Out-of-Body Experience), Plant Medicine (Entheogenic Journeys), Prayer, Radio, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Ω Other
contact with non-humanoid star person through interdimensional travel via 3 techniques.
UFO Sightings and abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study b...
UFO Sightings and abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study b...
Astral projection is the classic term for what today is more commonly called out-of-body experience or OBE. In this fascinating volume, R...
The world's premiere organization for the study of human consciousness. Offering residential mediation retreats, online courses and research programs for the study of expanded states of consciousness using audio supported...