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A little information about Kelli Clair and her amazing gifts.
Whilst voyaging into the cosmos with the intention of making contact as part of Altair's guided process, I encountered two different sets of races on 2 consecutive nights connecting with...
mediumship in which i channeled an nhi
Art, Astral Travel, Automatic Writing, CE-5 / Star Watch, Channeling, Clairvoyance, Cosmic Consciousness, Crop Circles, Dreams, Ham Radio Technique, Hypnosis, Light Language, Meditation, Mediumship, Near Death Experience, OBE (Out-of-Body Experience), Plant Medicine (Entheogenic Journeys), Prayer, Radio, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Ω Other
Rosicrucian lecture, the celestial sanctum
Historian Mark Felton examines the legend of the Nazi Haunebu flying saucers supposedly built with information channeled from Aldebaran by Maria Orsic of the Vril Society.
When listening the a Ghost Box medium its best to wear head phones to hear clearly. ITS - Instrument Transcommunications Jordan Maxwell seems to be in contact with April so...
Psychic Mediumship Session