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Very easy to read handbook for CE-5 Contact. From website: Have you ever wanted to see a UFO? It’s simple. This book will get you…
Discover Dr. Steven Greer’s pioneering work on ET intelligence, CE-5 protocols, and consciousness expansion. Step into the unknown today.
Contact with ETs using Android phone applications. Online meetings where we saw lights moving in the sky.
ZaZar and Marilyn Gewacke never cease to amaze me with their CE-5 events. The one I’m refrencing in particular was my first ever event with…
What is the relationship of missing time, ET/NHI contact, and dreams?
During CE5 with Contact 100 team vis zoom, I observed 2 separate lights moving in the sky in an erratic pattern.
They said they were 8th dimensional.
Art, Astral Travel, Automatic Writing, CE-5 / Star Watch, Channeling, Clairvoyance, Cosmic Consciousness, Crop Circles, Dreams, Ham Radio Technique, Hypnosis, Light Language, Meditation, Mediumship, Near Death Experience, OBE (Out-of-Body Experience), Plant Medicine (Entheogenic Journeys), Prayer, Radio, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Ω Other
Steven Greer of Disclosure Project discusses CE5 and technological suppression by the Military-Industrial Complex