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Website of out of body experiencer and guide Darius J. Wright.
I was astral traveling and I saw blue beings.
Asked for a contact and received four at different times not all at once.
A very brief appearance of a very gentle semi transparent luminous mantis like being during the meditation.
evidential/synchronistic proof of contact and information from an outside source beyond my conscious awareness
Art, Astral Travel, Automatic Writing, CE-5 / Star Watch, Channeling, Clairvoyance, Cosmic Consciousness, Crop Circles, Dreams, Ham Radio Technique, Hypnosis, Light Language, Meditation, Mediumship, Near Death Experience, OBE (Out-of-Body Experience), Plant Medicine (Entheogenic Journeys), Prayer, Radio, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Ω Other
Steven Greer of Disclosure Project discusses CE5 and technological suppression by the Military-Industrial Complex
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