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Feb 23

Conference: Mission & Magnificence with ZaZar

February 23 @ 8:00 am - February 24 @ 11:30 pm

Zazar Retreat Sedona 2024 Marilyn Gewacke

Fri Feb 23-24
SEDONA AZ at the Ultimate Light Mission
Energy Exchange $222 Register: Call Diane (518-567-7315) | info@theshift.rocks

With ZaZar and Dr. Marilyn Gewacke and transform your life! ZaZar is a beautiful 6th dimensional ascended ET being channeled by Dr. Marilyn Gewacke. Come bathe in a higher vibrational loving community as ZaZar guides and teaches us about our magnificent mission of Ascension utilizing the power of Light Technology to transcend and upshift our entire being. ZaZar has the amazing ability to lead us through our own experiential process of uploading the higher vibrational states necessary for clarification and magnification of our light service on Earth. Through ZaZar’s guided meditations, didactic coaching and most importantly “experiential star technologies”, our own portals and soul codes open for Ascension as we find our way back home to our extraordinary world within.

Come join us for this metamorphic cosmic journey and learn the truth about your most magnificent place and mission on Earth!


“Wow, Wow, Wow! I have been on probably over 100 retreats but ZaZar’s and Marilyn’s retreat was by far the most amazing, the most heart opening and contact full! Truly transformational!” Barbara

“Being with ZaZar over one weekend was pure love, healing and release of burdens, and contact with Beings dedicated to the Ascension of our planet and humanity. Of all the many workshops and retreats I have experienced, this one is staying with me etched in my heart, so filled with ZaZar’s love.” Andie

“I have experienced channeled information in the past, but the transcendent time with ZaZar was truly the most amazing, transforming and exhilarating experience.” Mitch

“ZaZar is pure love…and so, this ZaZarian wisdom from the cosmic realms is truly a missing link for awakening on Earth.” Karen

We are so blessed to have ZaZar as a master teacher for these turbulent times on Earth. His commitment to us, our planet and her Ascension is unparalled!” -Samantha T

About Marilyn Gewacke, Ph.D.: Marilyn is a clinical psychologist who downloads, transmits and channels ZaZar’s profound wisdom and loving presence. She recently channeled and authored a two time award winning book The ZaZar Transmissions: Pages from the Cosmos. She is currently director of the Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision (SEV) where she leads workshops and retreats on the Consciousness Shift, heart- centered living, cosmic connection and global transformation. “Marilyn is the real deal as she channels with such clarity, integrity and authenticity. 


February 23 @ 8:00 am
February 24 @ 11:30 pm
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