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 Language of Light Divine Sound Healing Transmissions: Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies 528 Hz, Miracles, Attunement, Activation and Purification
Exclusive Expert Interview with Q&A + Masterclass on Zoom
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Join us while Shekina tunes into the group energy, working with your higher self to bring in sacred healing activation transmissions and ascension Codes. Through Songs of the Music of the Spheres in the Language of the Angels. She will start with an attunement of your new chakra higher energy center. And go through the God Code points that greatly enhance your higher self-communications and embodiment of the ascension. This will be guided by Source and the current energies of the planet.  And what is coming through the Archangels who wish to be present and energies they wish to communicate and transmit.

About Shekina Rose
Shekina Rose stands as a beacon of celestial wisdom, embodying her role as an Angelic Messenger and a Language of Light Songstress. Her profound connection with the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies, especially the 528 Hz frequency known for miracles and transformation, has established her as a revered Sound Healer Practitioner. As the founder of The Blue Ray Starseeds and its Ascension Mission, Shekina guides souls on their spiritual journeys. Her intuitive empathy, coupled with her abilities as a Spiritual Psychic, Healer, and Clairaudient, allows her to channel deep, transformative insights, making her a luminary in the realm of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.


Interview: Tues. June 11th | 6:30 pm PST
Masterclass: Thurs. June 27th | 6:30 pm PST

Get a pass for this event and masterclass and 72 other events (!) this year with our yearly LightNet Collaborator Pass or buy individual tickets below.


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