I think it’s great to demonstrate to people that you can do what you love. You can live your passion and you can make it work for you and live in it if that’s what you really want to do.
Part of me helping people was that I realized my voice wouldn’t be enough for most people tuning into my podcasts and radio shows, even though I thought these concepts and topics on spirituality and the like were really important to share.
The climate nowadays is people are afraid to take chances on new blood. So, for example, I’ve come across a number of authors who have got incredible information to share that they can’t get published because they don’t have a platform.
That becomes a vicious circle, so I don’t tell new authors or people who aren’t well known, “no you can’t come on my show”. I think social status has very little to do with whether you’ve come across good information or not.
I will support people that I think have information. I will help them get their books published. I will show them how to promote them and I will have them on shows and tell other people to have them on the shows because we can’t live in an elitist world where only those that are famous can go on sharing information.
And I think that’s something that’s boosted my own career following my purpose. Having the heart and passion to uplift others is a great karmic cycle that can play out very well for you.
Asking yourself, “how could I help others while following my passion?” Is an interesting thought process to dive into.