Follow Your Heart

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If I had any advice for people, it would be to follow your heart, as cheesy as that is. Because I have a son who’s 20 and a son who’s 17, and they laugh at me because they’re like, “Mom, you are always you sound like a broken record” But I feel like it’s important to get the concept in. If I had just followed what I wanted to do from the beginning, I would have probably landed in this place sooner, right?

I kept trying to think like, I’ve got to do this job, I’ve got to have this certain career etc. But My advice is if you are locked into something that lights you up at a young age, pursue it, try it. The whole idea that the money will follow is very prevalent here. I really do believe that.

I think if you feel like you wake up every day with purpose, you’re going to figure out how to make a living.

My kids just laugh so hard. They say “we know you want us to follow our hearts,” and the lingering “…but” this that and whatever excuses someone will have that day. And I think there’s something to be said for it and to not be afraid to try something that maybe isn’t so mainstream. I understand the hesitation.

It might take a while. And you know what? It’s okay to change your mind too. It’s okay to pursue something and be like, I love this. My career’s taken me like that, and I think it’s my personality and my attitude towards change that’s helped me go with the flow so much. Anyhow, that’s just how I am, right? So I just felt a lot of pressure at that age to have it all figured out at 22 out of college. And a lot of kids and young adults do nowadays. Even if you have to have some kind of income, at a place you don’t like, do what you can in the moment to follow your passion. And it might mean leaving that job.

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