The moment I opened myself up to the idea that astrology was my purpose, and I had that feeling, it wasn’t just excitement and surprise, it was a deep, impactful, sobering punch in the gut. An energetic punch in the gut, literally, because it was that sense of responsibility that went along with why I was here. I remember that moment, I was learning about the lunar nodes in astrology. I always say this is my secret in astrology, because the lunar nodes are what reveals the why, and where it’s all going.
There are many components in astrology. And when I got to the lunar nodes, I started to finally understand the essence of the chart that I was looking at. And from that point, started to connect the dots and put everything together. I was in a state of shock for at least three days. I cried.
This is the interesting thing in astrology. We see through people’s charts that their purpose, their destiny is 95% of the time, something that people resist. This is my main function in the work that I do through the school that I have and the sessions that I give is to help people understand what really matters.
This is the punch in the gut that I was talking about, the sense of responsibility. Because deep inside, you know, and the punch in the gut comes from also knowing that you’ve been running away from it, you’ve been underestimating it, you’ve been pushing it away when it’s the one thing that you should be making it a priority in your life because your life won’t happen.
It won’t work. You won’t find satisfaction if you’re not following your North node, your North Star, your purpose.
This is not the purpose of the mind. This is the purpose of the soul. The true purpose and the true reason why you’re here. This has to do with your own evolution. So when I realized that through my chart, I was in shock and I said no to anything having to do with it.
That’s pretty much the reaction I get from most people when I work with their charts. But once we start to first come to terms with the reason why we’re here, and follow that, we start to see immediate results.
This is when you know, this is when you know that this is beyond your desires.