I think it’s just a surrendering. It’s that’s probably my word is you just got to surrender to it and then you find it if you’re striving too much. I think it’s not there. It’s it’s when you’re willing to actually surrender and open yourself up.
That’s when the magic starts to happen. And we were all scared of doing that. Sometimes we’ve built a society where we want to have control and clutch and know what’s happening next, but that’s not where the magic lies. The magic lies in letting all that go and just going, well, staying open. Let’s see who I meet. Let’s see what comes in.
And I’ve certainly experienced that firsthand. Like extraordinary moments where you think, my God, I never could have even imagined that was going to happen. And that’s because I just trusted the process. So that’s my experience is going to be different for everyone. But it’s a lot around letting go.