Follow the Synchronicities

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I believe in synchronicity. So this is a this is a story of synchronicity that I was living in England, in Wimbledon, and I was just starting my psychotherapeutic journey. I was going to school up in Regent’s College, which is the north part of London, and I’m at the very southernmost part of London.

I just had a baby.  I was, you know, stressed as a new mother. So I was late taking the tube up to Regents College. I showed up in my class and everybody else had chosen the books to present. There were about 30 of us, and I got a book nobody else wanted to touch, which was Ken Wilbur’s spectrum of consciousness.

And that changed my life. I love this book. I loved Ken Wilbur’s thinking. I did my dissertation on him. I wound up really feeling like transpersonal psychology was real and what was possible just went I my mind just really expanded and I, I got to tell him the story in person once and it was just so fun that this was it found me.

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