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Finding Missing Time with Dream Shamanism
Exclusive Expert Interview with Q&A + Masterclass on Zoom
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Join us for a workshop with Daniel Rekshan that delves into the phenomenon of missing time, commonly reported in around 30-40% of alien abduction and UFO encounter cases, where individuals experience unaccountable lapses in memory. The workshop presents missing time and hypnosis as dreamlike experiences and introduces dream shamanism practices to understand and address these phenomena. By the end, participants will comprehend the dreamlike nature of missing time and hypnosis, learn to apply dream work ethics to these experiences, and gain firsthand experience in dream shamanism.

About Daniel Rekshan

Daniel Rekshan is the founder of D-SETI.  He is an artist, dreamworker, and researcher. His education and training includes:

  • BA is Western Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Annapolis
  • MA in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies
  • Certified hypnotherapist in the spiritual counseling modality of Depth Hypnosis
  • Certified Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner
  • Ordained as minister in the Universal Life Church
  • Chief Dream Officer of Dream Well

Daniel is a PhD student in the Integral Noetic Sciences program at the California Institute of Human Sciences.


Masterclass: Thurs. Mar 28th | 2:30 pm PST

Get a pass for this event and masterclass and 72 other events (!) this year with our yearly LightNet Collaborator Pass or buy individual tickets below.


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