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Starseed Academy | LightNet at the Conscious Life Expo

A 4-day LIVE event at the LAX Hilton. Featuring hundreds of exhibitors, speakers, and special events!


Spoon Bending & Making Music Free Workshop
Saturday, February 10th | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Room: Chakra Room


Join us in February when we’ll be attending Conscious Life Expo for an exclusive Spoon bending and Music With Et’s all in one workshop! During this event we will recreate the results of an 8 week peer driven science experiment where 8 participants reached out to ET’s with the shared intention of creating music, and we will do this again with everyone participating live, and then we will proceed to use the power of our minds to bend reality, and therefore our spoons!

Spoons will be provided and there’s no experience necessary. Just come with an open mind and an expectation of wild mind bending fun! A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this Free Workshop.

Consciousness and energy are fundamental. The world is starting to understand through science that somehow the world arises out of consciousness. Heaven on earth is paved with our gradual realization of this single fact. In this workshop learn how to bend spoons with your mind. Over the last two years in leading people through this process Zenka has expanded our belief in our hearts and in love. No experience necessary. She will also be teaching you how to set up electronic devices such as ham radios, theremins, MIDI triggers, Plant Wave devices, specially designed phone apps, electrodes, old tube TV’s and even lie detectors to listen and play music with ET’s, angels and past loved ones on the other side.

Zenka Caro is a futurist, software architect and founder of LightNet – a collective intelligence think tank centered around consciousness. Caro is a pioneer in mind-over-matter consciousness research. She is passionate about blending frontier science and spirituality.

How To Bend Reality – Conscious Life Expo Talk with Zenka Caro
Sunday February 11th | 3:00pm-3:45pm | Room: Century D

Want to talk to ETs? Bend spoons with your mind? Bloom synchronicities into your field? Zenka Caro is an expert in mind-matter interaction. She will share her tips, her tools and the spiritual science behind heart/mind interaction with the physical world. Learn about frontier technology, the power of 8 and the key steps to extreme reality creation and architecture.

Zenka Caro founded LightNet, a think tank for consciousness. She is a pioneer in mind-over-matter spoon bending & electromagnetic contact. Caro uses science to prove we can do anything.

A Sunday Conscious Life Expo Day Pass is required to attend this Free Lecture

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