TOPICS: Did UFO Take This 5-Year-Old from New Jersey Backyard in 1993?
Scientists Say They Can Reverse Time in a Quantum System – Futurism
Interview with UFO experiencer, Jennifer Carmody
– Original UFO encounter in 1993
– Experienced missing time
– “whooshing sound.. then a craft appeared”
– “like one second split into a hundred parts”
– “hovering above the shed”
– “sister said it zoom away”
– “no one reacted…until we all reacted together”
– “I’ve had abduction dreams…blue beings…very vivid”
– “QHHT hypnosis session…the blue being told me I went on the ship”
– “grey aliens are working with humanity to harvest eggs, sperm to create hybrid children…to help the greys in their evolutionary process.”
Newsweek reporting “Did Russia close down airspace because of ‘UFO’ seen in video?”